Monday, December 5, 2016

Monday, 2nd Week of Advent, 12-5-16

Today's Readings

Kindness and truth shall meet;
justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
and justice shall look down from heaven.

I happened to notice that "The A-Team" is in reruns on the TV these days.  I was never a big fan, but I did take a certain delight in Hannibal Smith's signature statement: "I love it when a plan comes together."

I have a soft heart for plans that come together--like songs or movies that turn out just the way I think they should.

God has a plan for humankind.  We see that plan expressed during Advent through the words of the prophet Isaiah and, today, in the words of Psalm 85.  No movie or book comes to its happy ending without some adversity along the way.  The violence that humans perpetrate against each other might make us wonder when--or even if--the Kingdom of God will ever come to fruition.  Will there ever be "peace on earth, good will toward men"?

At one point in the gospels, Jesus tells his disciples that they are blessed because they see and hear what the ancients hoped for but never saw or heard.  In the same way, we may never see in our lifetime the fulfillment of Scripture's promise. 

But God has a plan--a plan of kindness truth, justice, and peace.  It has been promised, and I believe it will happen.  And I love it when a plan comes together.

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